Jerusalem: The Eternal City
Nazareth: Hometown of Jesus
Bethlehem: Birthplace of Jesus
Sea of Galilee
Garden Tomb
Western Wall
Pool Bethesda
Via Dolorosa
Jordan River: Water Baptism
Ein Gedi
Caves of Machpelah
Gideon’s Spring (Ein Harod)
The Dead Sea
Qumran: Home of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Tranquil Tabgha
Shepherd’s Sanctuary
Capharnaum: The Town of Jesus
Church of Mount of Beatitudes
Church of Pater Noster
Mount Tabor
Mount of Temptation
Dome of the Ascension
Tomb of Lazarus
Garden of Gethsemane
City of David
Mount Hermon
Adullam Caves
Hezekiah Water Tunnel
Yope, Old Java
The Upper Room: Kings David Tomb
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Golden Gate
Petra, Jordan
Caesarea Maritima
Church of St Joseph, and Church of the Annunciation

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