Welcome to Caesarea Maritima. Many events from the Bible took place here. Here are some of the highlights.
• After the Apostle Paul received Christ, he was sent to Tarsus from this seaport.
• Cornelius, the first Gentile to receive the Holy Spirit, lived here.
• Caesarea was the place where the Holy Spirit was given to the Gentiles.
• King Herod Agrippa the 1st, the son of Herod the Great, met his death in Caesarea.
• Philip the Evangelist lived in Caesarea.
• The Apostle Paul sailed to and from Caesarea on his missionary travels.
• The Apostle Paul stood trial here for his faith.
• The Apostle Paul was imprisoned here for 2 years because of his faith.
• It’s possible that some of the Prison Epistles found in the New Testament were written right here.
• After spending 2 years of imprisonment in Caesarea, the Apostle Paul sailed from Caesarea to Rome, where he stood trial for his faith.
• It was one of the key places where the gospel would be taken to the whole world.
• Many Christians would be martyred here at the Hippodrome for their refusal to deny Christ.
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